Have been trying to access my blog today. On each try, I get hijacked by some other site that takes over within seconds! Help!!! What's going on? Very frustrating to say the least. :o(
Later ...
Here's the rest of the story. I had added a delightful "fish tank" to the bottom of my blog. It was charming with swaying seaweed and colorful fish swimming around. But suddenly the "free gadgets" program took over my blog and hijacked me each time I tried to log in. Important lesson to learn ... FREE is not necessarily good!
Did you know that parks and greenspace have significant public health benefits?* Health studies have shown that contact with nature offers a range of medical benefits including lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, enhanced survival after a heart attack, more rapid recovery from surgery, fewer minor medical complaints, and lower self-reported stress. In children with attention disorders and in teens with behavioral disorders, contact with nature has resulted in significant improvement.
So thankful I live in a beautiful place (Utah) where I'm surrounded by nature!
A list of teacher rules from an unknown school district date 1872 gave a sample of the guidelines teachers were to follow:
*Teachers each day will fill lamps and clean chimneys. *Each teacher will bring a bucket of water and a scuttle of coal for the day’s session. *Make your pens carefully. You may whittle nibs to the individual taste of the students. *Male teachers may take one evening each week for courting purposes, or two evenings a week if they go to church regularly. *After ten hours in school,the teachers may spend the remaining time reading the Bible or other good books. *Women teachers who marry or engage in unseemly conduct will be dismissed. *Each teacher should lay aside each month a goodly sum of his earnings for his benefit during his declining years so that he will not become a burden on society. *Any teacher who smokes, uses liquor in any form, frequents pool halls, or gets shaved in a barber shop will give good reason to suspect his worth, intention, integrity and honesty. *The teacher who performs his labor faithfully and without fault for five years will be given an increase of twenty-five cents per week in his pay, providing the Board of Education approves.
A bitter-sweet day for me! My beautiful mom passed away a year ago today, March 17th, 2009. She had a Saint on each end of her life: born on St, John’s Eve (June 23rd); died on St Patrick’s Day. Mother probably had a good laugh over that!
At age 94 there aren’t too many folks of your own generation left to “celebrate” your life when you pass to the other side, but for her funeral the chapel at the mortuary was filled with Mom’s posterity, along with extended family, friends and neighbors.
Before the casket was closed, each member of the family filed past and placed a small polished stone next to Mom, a final token of love and farewell. A son-in-law gave the family prayer.
The service was short and sweet; definitely a family affair. My sister and I paid tender tribute to our Mom. A son-in-law gave a meaningful, gospel centered message. Talks from grandkids were heartfelt and laced with humor, and the musical numbers reflected Mom’s love for children. They were all her favorite melodies – including a lovely vocal trio by three granddaughters, as well as a piano piece and a harp medley of Primary songs beautifully performed by two granddaughters-in-law.
It was a cool, but lovely spring day as we proceeded to the cemetery. The pall-bearers were Mom’s grandsons and one great-grandson. Her grave was dedicated by a grandson. Under the canopy, the dusty-rose-colored casket was covered with a huge spray of perfect white roses, her favorite flowers. As the graveside service ended, the clouds rolled in, the winds picked up, and the skies began to gently weep. The poet in Mom would find that a very fitting way to bring things to a close.
You did well, Mom. You started with only two daughters to your credit. You now have ten grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren, plus the spouses, in your family circle! I treasure the time we spent together. Love you, Mom, and miss you very much.
The birds are chirping and flirting in my yard this morning. Snowbells and Crocuses are peeking out of the ground. The air feels warm and delicious. Flowers are blooming indoors as well. Can spring be far behind?